Last week the granite fabricator's made a template of our counter tops so they could cut the granite to fit. They told us we are able to go to the shop and see the layout. We really didn't have to go since our granite has no pattern. As you can see it's all black with small grey spots. We thought it would be interesting to see anyway and it happened on a day Jeff was off so it worked perfect.
We were a little shocked when we got there. It was near Disneyland but in a very industrial part of town. It felt like we were in a very bad neighborhood. Good thing is was during the day!!! We finally found the shop and it was small with a couple of guys working. There was dust every where. Inches of it on the ground and we could see it in the air. As we walked in I kept telling Jeff, we are going to die in there!!! It was so bad we could barely breathe. After they got the granite out with a fork lift I told Jeff OK, that's good let's leave. The guy wanted to show us the edge styles. I stayed back to take pictures while Jeff went into the shop with the guy. He wanted me to look at an example of a mitered edge. Normally you would see a line where the edge is glued on but on the mitered edge it is sort of hidden. We never heard of it before so we wanted to see it. The piece was covered in dust and as the guy was wiping it off with his hand,I noticed it was a grave stone. I was mortified!!! I couldn't wait to get out of that place. We were covered in granite dust and took us a while to recover...
The template was made with thin wood and a glue gun!!!
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