Our day started with taking Clyde and Kelly to the airport. They are on their way to Japan to pick up the baby they adopted. One suitcase for them and one for the baby. Check out
baby Kiyoshi's blog to see their adventure. We can hardly wait till they get home...
Baby's new stroller, waiting for it's first ride!!!
We spent the rest of the day at Disneyland. Just walked around and ate. It was pretty crowded so we didn't even go on any rides. There is always next time...
Very big Christmas tree.
Lots of Christmas decorations to look at.
Our Thanksgiving lunch. It was surprisingly pretty good. We usually get fried chicken at this restaurant but since it was Thanksgiving they served a traditional meal instead.
The turkey the President pardoned, we think. There was no sign yet but last year the turkey also ended up is this same place. The turkey was so big, it could barely walk.
Reindeer . Jeff loves looking at deer. These were big but a little stinky.
A note from Santa.
Taking pictures of ourselves again. Had to take many since most did not turn out very good. There must be an art to self photography. Longer arms maybe???
Bye, Mickey. See you soon!!!
Our simple Thanksgiving dinner at Uncle's house. We had prime rib instead of turkey this year. We are missing the big Thanksgiving dinner we usually have at Clyde and Kelly's house with both family's. We look forward to next year with the addition of their baby... Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!
what's up, woman. did you call me again yesterday? my phones dead now... i can't find the charger. but you should show grandma the new pictures of the baby! :)
i was trying to call you to tell you about the pictues of the baby but you didn't answer!!! i was sad cause you know i wanted to be the first one to tell you... i just wished they had pictures of the baby in different outfits!!! isn't he cute and so small... can't wait till you come and we can look at all his clothes... we will show grandma the pictures tomorrow...
ps- where are the homecoming pictures??? i am still waiting...
miss you
my phone went crazy and all my contacts are gone so you should send me a text so i have your number!
hi marissa, sorry about your phone. wish i could text you but if forgot my phone at uncle's house. grandma is mailing it to me so i should get it soon. i hope!!! sort of weird not having a phone. miss you... how was the salad???
What, Yoshi didn't want break out the deep-fried turkey?
Your Thanksgiving looked yummy! And the DL turkey looked pretty good too (the one on the plate, not the live one) :D
We kind of wish we had brought more clothes now--the ones we brought are kind of loose on Kiyoshi and the washer/dryer is like the one in London where it takes all day to do one load!
See you soon!
we missed you guys at thanksgiving but are happy that you are having a good time in japan. just think, next thanksgiving the baby will be walking...
Hey the Thanksgiving lunch looks good.
Susan and Usher
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