Another great concert, another bad seat. We tried to get better seats for this concert and yet again we failed. Called at the exact right time but no such luck. Maybe someday. The music was fabulous so it was worth it. Yes, the pictures are tiny and far away. I need a better camera or better seats!!!
Sean Kingston
Nicole Scherzinger from the Pussycat dolls
USC marching band
half time show
Timbaland and One Republic
Gwen Stefani
wow. this is the first time i've seen your blog. pretty neat and i cant believe you guys went to a music concert. especially when it has "gang banger" music as grandma would say.
love you guys,
Hey Jr, long time no hear. Did you go to Maroon 5 yet??? and you thought we were too old to go to a concert!!! did you see your new baby cousin's blog yet??? we are going to the Honolulu Marathon in Dec and doing the 10k walk/run. hope we don't die...
miss you and love you!!!
What'chou got against Lawrence Welk...?
You write very well.
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