So much is going on and our kitchen is getting closer to finally being complete. When they installed the granite, I noticed that there was something not right with the sink area and I was unhappy with how it turned out. Today they came back to try to fix it. They did a good job and it's not perfect but I can live with it.
We also got our floors sealed in preparation for the wood being installed. It was very sticky and smelly. They made a small path for us to get out.
Love that green!!!
Also 32 boxes of our flooring was delivered. Jeff was home and decided to help unload it. His arms hurt the next day!!!
The best part of the day was that we got to meet our new nephew. Kai. He was sleeping when we arrived so we was not too happy when we woke him up!!! He turned bright red and started to cry when Uncle Jeff held him.
So cute!!!
After all of that we ended the night in Hawaii!!!
This is the view we woke up to. We are taking a short trip that was planned when we thought our kitchen would be done the day before Thanksgiving. It will be a nice break from all the work being done at home.
OK, I'll bite...From which hotel did you shoot the picture...By the way, your house is looking great, and Jeff looks like he almost knows how to hold a baby.
hilton hawaiian village... looking forward to seeing you soon!!!
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