Our finish line was the blue sign.
Since we were going to Hawaii for Kassidee's Opera concert and it was also
Honolulu Marathon and Race Day Walk we decided to try the 10K walk for fun. We had to leave our hotel at 4am so we could walk (approx 20 minutes) to the start line at Ala Moana park. The Marathon started at 5am and walk started at 5:25am. I wanted to arrive in time to see the fireworks. I was a bit worried about walking 6.6 miles. I usually walk during the week days but with the remodel I haven't had any practice time. Jeff claims he walks a lot at work...
Fireworks for the start of the Marathon. We walkers have to wait another 25 minutes for our start.
Ready, set go. And we're off... I think Jeff is the only white guy!!!
It's dark and raining but not cold.
Time signs along the way.
Walking in Waikiki. It was a bit difficult with the rain and all those slippery cups on the ground. The water in the cups came from a hose pipe so it wasn't very appetizing. We are used to bottled water!!! (We're not spoiled)
mile 6
Almost at the finish line. We're not tired yet, could keep on walking...
We made it!!! 6.6 miles in the pouring rain. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The route looked really far on a map. Wish we could do the Marathon (26 miles) but we could be one of the last ones to finish. There is always next year...
I have to say that the walk was really fun and I hope we can do it again next year. Anyone who wants to go with us, let us know!!!
Wow, finisher certificates and fans. What more could we ask for???
We tried to walk around the finish area but it was so muddy and we didn't want that beautiful Hawaiian red mud on our fancy running shoes.
After we were about to leave we found the 10K sign. Strangely it was past the finish line...
Finish line for the marathon. Can't believe these runners are finishing 26 miles at around 3 hours. The last person finished in 14.5 hours.
Marathon runners getting their shell lei.
1 comment:
The Honolulu Marathon has come a long way since I was publicity director in 1980/81. We had about 900 runners back then...Wish I could have enjoyed the experience with you.
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