Wednesday, July 18, 2007

uncle's garden

Since I have been posting a lot about food lately, I thought I would have some pictures of Uncle's garden. We wish we could grow some vegetables in our yard but since we have too many creatures (snails, rats and lizards), Uncle planted some stuff for us. We got eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, cherry tomato's. They are finally almost ready to pick. This is a picture of Uncle's famous Japanese cucumber. They get really long as you can see. Each Sunday we look forward to what we can harvest.

Uncle picking our eggplant

Jeff and Sydney

Well, I couldn't end this post without some type of food. Sorry Jack!!! Clyde and Kelly got some cheesecake from cheesecake factory for our birthday. They were tres leche, carrot cake and tuxedo. All were yummy. We miss you Jack at Uncle's Sunday dinners.


Anonymous said...

The cheeskake makes my stomach rumble...the vegies I can do without. It is a nice garden though, and Yoshi looks like a typical farmer....not.

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm not anonymous, just hit the wrong button...

Anonymous said...

Very funny Jack!!!

Anonymous said...

It wasn't meant to be...I'm dead serious.