Getting ready for 5k race.
Go Angels!
30 minutes before start of 5k.
Everyone please locate your proper corral.
Almost time!!
60 degrees and overcast, 10,000 people, 7am!
Our corral finally gets to head to start line.
Celebrity podium at the start line. Tim Brosnan in corner of podium (Executive VP of MLB).
Jillian Michaels was the celebrity spokesman of the race cheering everyone on at the start line.
Mile 1 marker - where is Lisa?
Still looking for Lisa (is she ahead of me or behind me?)
First and only water/gatorade stop along the race route.
Don't see Lisa anywhere in front of me....
Don't see Lisa anywhere in back of least my hat was clean!!
I finally find Lisa in time to take her picture at the Mile 2 marker.
Heading towards Angel stadium.
Heading down the ramp to the field. Extremely congested at this point. Had to wait 5 minutes just to start moving down the ramp!
This is what makes this race a lot of fun!!
We ran (rather walked because it was too crowded) around the dirt path inside the stadium starting in the warning track. They were busy cutting the large All Star design in the centerfield grass in anticipation of the 2010 MLB All Star game.
It was so crowded inside we had time to stop and pose for pictures.
The grass on the field was so perfect it looked fake. Props to the grounds crew!!
Last leg of our field run...heading into the home stretch.
Found Lisa again at the 3-mile marker. The finish line is now right around the corner.
We made it. Where do we get our medals?
Angels former superstar Tim Salmon was passing out medals to finishers. A baseball legend in these parts! Thanks Tim!
We can now relax with our medals and eagerly anticipate our half marathon in September at Disneyland. Each team was represented in the Orange County area with a Mickey Mouse - the Angels MM standing proudly outside the gates of the stadium. He would fit nice in our backyard!!
Awards ceremony honoring the top finishers in a couple categories. Can anybody pick out Tim Salmon, Reggie Jackson, Harold Reynolds, Gabrielle Union, Jillian Michaels???
Best stadium in baseball!
Finisher photo!!