Wednesday, August 27, 2008

training for disneyland half marathon

The past 12 weeks we have been training for the Disneyland Half Marathon (13.1 miles). We do our long walks/runs at the lake near our house. It has not been easy but I think we are ready. The marathon is Sunday, August 30th. It is one of our biggest adventures yet. Brian, Daisy and Marissa will be joining us. Wish us luck and I will post pictures...
our survival items. o.n.e. coconut water and sports beans. we have learned that we can't run with just water alone. we usually run out of energy at mile 10 so these items help us... the coconut water has natural electrolytes and the potassium of 2 bananas. it tastes good too..

pretty nice view of the lake

i wanted to practice my photographic skills while jogging

the trail

oops.. maybe i need more practice

ok, jeff stopped for a photo. that's better...

stay tuned for the end results...
(photo's were taken with my blackberry phone)
marissa get ready!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

bbq corn - part 2

our second time at bbq corn. first we trim off the top and any loose stems.

we decided to soak our corn in water, last time we didn't.

it's a little hard to tell when they are done. we just got the outsides brown/black.
we thought they were done when they felt hot on the outside.

the corn was perfectly done. didn't get brown on the inside.

jeff loves corn!!!

good to the last kernel...

Friday, August 8, 2008

bbq corn-at home

The bbq corn at the fair was so good we decided to try it at home. We had no idea what to do so we just took off some of the top of the silk (hair) and peeled off some of the bad looking husk. I thought we should have washed them but Jeff said we didn't need to. I also thought we should have taken the hair out of the inside but Jeff assured me that that's how they did it at the fair...

As they were cooking, the corn smelled really good. We were excited!!!

In the end the corn was really good. We had no idea of how long to cook them but maybe we cooked it a little too long. We also had steak and that was good too. A perfect weekend dinner. I think next time we will soak the corn in some water and see if that helps. I was a little worried about eating something that was not washed...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

10 months old


aw, auntie lisa why do you make me look funny!!!
i will be walking soon and you won't be able to get me...