Went to the OC fair with Clyde, Kelly and Kai. Our plan was to try some tasty fair food but I didn't think we would eat this much. Some things we shared. We started off with BBQ corn. Yuumy...
Next BBQ sandwich, got it last year and it was super good but this year it was just ok.

Hi Kai, this is his first fair...
Turkey leg
Very smokey and good.

Wow, ate that one fast.

Kai eating his lunch. No fair food for you this year...
We saw on TV and the newspaper that they had deep fried white castle burgers this year at the fair. We really wanted to try it. We looked every where for it and couldn't find it. Jeff had to ask someone where it is. We ended up walking by it earlier in the day without seeing it.

Deep Fried White Castle Burger and Fries.
(we shared this one)


It was good sort of. Very greasy. Good to try but not something I would have to get again.

Next, Clyde saw a lady with these donuts. Little mini ones and we decided we had to look for these too. We found them and boy were they good...

Lastly we saw Dippin Dots. My favorite. Had to get them even though we were stuffed. After this Clyde, Kelly and Kai went home. We were going to the Fergie concert later this evening and didn't want to hang out at the fair for a few hours so we went to the mall.

A few hours later we were back at the fair. Of course we were not hungry for dinner so we got a snack before the concert. It was called 10 pound bread or something. This was just one slice of it with cheese. It was good but not worth $6. All the food at the fair was expensive. After the concert we ate a piece of cheese pizza and another BBQ corn. It was a great day...